We all hear about the college students and the money mistakes they made while in college. I was one of them. This article from US News shares the top six mistakes and gives you ideas to think about. Read more
Tips for Successful Personal Finances
We all hear about the college students and the money mistakes they made while in college. I was one of them. This article from US News shares the top six mistakes and gives you ideas to think about. Read more
As April is typically a clean out month, I want to make you aware of two different opportunities to get rid of some items in your home.
First, this Saturday, April 28 is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Now you can safely get old and unused prescriptions (and over the counter medicines) out of your home easily. For more details and locations, click here.
Next, do you have unused toys? Hasbro is offering a pilot recycling program to recycle your unwanted toys. You start at the website, register, print the free shipping label and drop off the package. It’s that simple and keeps the toys out of landfills, click here to start.
For more resources and suggestions, please visit my website to get rid of your unwanted items.
For the past couple of years, we have tackled paper in our home. It always amazes me that so much paper could accumulate and how many file cabinets for all this paper . So in our household, we are working our way to minimal paper. This is how we are doing this.
Step one was to make a promise to go through the mail each day – recycling what is junk and dealing with the remaining. That means putting the bills in the bill pay file. Responding to invites. Creating a folder for menus and discounts. Keeping on top of subscriptions. This is working in our home.
But there was still papers! Like many of you, I didn’t have a lot of time to spend on this project, so I planned baby steps. For me, that was one major area per year. There were two items I needed to tackle this. First a scanner – I chose one with a feeder to be able to scan multiple pages. Next, the shredder – I chose a cross cut versus a strip cut to really make confetti out of the documents.
Year one, was our medical records – lab results, doctors notes, insurance claims, cancelled checks etc. We sorted these into piles – keep and scan, toss and to do. This took time, we spent 5 minutes most days and did a little more each day. Within the year, this was done. One file cabinet drawer tackled.
Year two, was taxes and supporting documents. This wasn’t as hard as I imagined. We kept 7 years worth of paper returns. We choose to scan the actual old tax returns before shredding them. Now, we scan everything including the supporting documentation and keep the returns in a pdf file.
Year three (honestly, this two two plus years) was the family photos. For our home, this included movies and slides in addition tot he photos. I inherited all my families media and sorting this took time. First, we the movies. we didn’t even own an 8mm projector. We took a giant leap of faith and trusted the titles to a company to put them on DVD. And that worked for us. Next, the photos. I have to be honest and tell you this was time consuming. It took lots of time to sort and scan the photos we wanted. Last, came the slides. We sorted these and sent them to the same company to be put on a flash drive. This project is done!
This year is the year of the manuals, you know those items that come with a new item and you keep it just in case. Ours are very organized and filed by room or type of product and we do refer to them from time to time. But they are taking up a whole file drawer. My though process, is to download the manual as we by new products to refer to and not save the paper. I will create a file with folders like my file cabinet.
Remember to back up anything on your computer, either in a cloud or on external media. You would to lose your family photos or important documents with a computer crash.
We have gotten rid of three file cabinets – two four drawers and one lateral – so far. And there is more to go. What do you do with all your paper?
As I sit here and write this blog post about spring, I feel that I am missing spring. Here in the northeast we seem to be having a never ending winter. Yes, we have had a few days of warm sunshine. We have been subject to various temperature swings – one day 50 and then cold, snowy / rainy days. I know it’s spring because the daffodils and crocus are blooming (and something peeking out of the snow).
Because the calendar says spring, lets talk about your finances. Now that tax season is over, it’s a good time to take a look at your finances and tackle these ideas:
Hopefully, the weather will agree with the calendar and spring will arrive soon.
Let me know what your spring finance projects are.
Today, I am going to talk about actual spring cleaning and how I do this while saving money.
Personally, we try to avoid chemicals in all aspects of our lives. A few years back I was amazed at all the products on the market and what they were made up of. Have you hear of these words?
And that is to name only a few ingredients. Can you guess what products these chemicals are in? (see the bottom).
In our household, we have eliminated much of these thanks to many other options. We use Young Living’s Essential Oils and make many of our own products and/or purchase them from Young Living. Thieves is a staple in our home – here’s a link to the product information page. We use this oil / products to clean (dish washing soap, dishwasher detergent, tooth paste, hand sanitizer, wipes and more.
We make our own cleaners – one quick and easy to do one is glass cleaner (1/4 cup white vinegar, 2 cups water with a few drops of my favorite essential oils mix together in a glass spray bottle. This works great in mirrors, windows and glass coffee table. There are many more items you can easily make at home without chemicals. One of my favorite books Essential Oils Ancient Medicine by Dr. Josh Axe, Ty Bollinger and Jordan Rubin.
If you would like to try a sample of essential oils, I have a very limited supply of Young Livings Thieve’s essential oils, that I can let you try, just reply to this blog post and I will respond. If you are interested in learning more about Young Living oils, please click this link.
Not only can you spring clean your home without chemical, you can save money too. Home made products are easy to make and can be cost pennies (saving your wallet too).
Note, that I have an affiliate relationship with Young Living.
Toothpaste, Shampoo, Make Up, Laundry Detergent, Soaps, Deodorant and more.
In honor of spring – which we will see today in the northeast – I will be posting about spring cleaning.
Today, let’s discuss your passwords and computer.
Have you done these things lately (if not, now is a good time):
Visit my resources page for suggestions of the products that we use.
More next week on spring cleaning in honor of the season.
Have you wanted to get outdoors and explore a new area? Here is the northeast, it would be wonderful to see spring temperatures to that. Well April 21 to 29 is National Parks Week and admission to some National Parks is waived on the first day – April 21.
Want to know which parks are in your neighborhood and if they are participating? For more details visit the website.
This is a great way to get out and explore, exercise and just have fun!
Can’t make it on April 21, check out the as they are other days of the year that are free.
In my last post, I suggested that you consider freezing your credit. Another option would be credit monitoring. I personally am not a fan of paying for a service that you can do yourself for free. This is how you do this yourself.
You can review your credit three times per year for FREE! The Credit Card Act of 2010 lets you have a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies once every 365 days. I suggest that instead of you accessing your credit report once a year, that you access your credit report three separate times in a year and do this yourself.
We make that easy for you. If you subscribe to this newsletter, Money Choices (www.JillRussoFoster.com) you will receive a reminder email three times per year to access your credit report. This will not be posted on social media, you will have to subscribe to Money Choices to get this reminder. Do this today, as your next reminder is coming in a few weeks. You can then see what is happening on your credit report and catch any suspicious activity. Sign up today!
With all the news lately (and previously), it seems that every day there is another breach. And these are only the ones that make the news!
So what should you do:
Nothing is 100% foolproof, but taking theses steps can lessen your risk.
As you know, we love to travel. For this month, my posts are going to be about how we plan the day to day details of our upcoming cruise.
These are some great tips from Samantha Brown to do before you leave for that great vacation. This way you will come back to a relaxed home (and maybe have a few more hours of vacation) before you jump back into your life.