Welcome to our May Blog Hop!
This month we are so excited to help you in your business and life. You’ll find fabulous articles, how-to’s and resources for you today that have helped each consultant, blogger and business owner on the hop in their own lives and businesses. Get ready to be inspired for a wonderful month ahead of you as you move along through the blog hop.
You may just be starting the blog hop or may have come from 3. M. Shannon Hernandez at The Writing Whisperer on Natalie Bradley’s Blog Hop. If you get off track at any time, the full lineup below will help you move along from blog to blog so you make sure to see and learn from all of the articles featured here today.
Plant Something!
I was brought up with a family that had a backyard garden. Especially now when I am making a great effort to eat more fresh and locally grown food, the garden makes sense. The garden my grandparents had when I was growing up took most of the backyard. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work for me. I have to keep mine small so that it’s something that I can manage and is not too overwhelming for me. I usually start around March with seeds inside (although in some years I buy plants in another month), but you can start your seeds outside in May!
Go ahead and try it. You can have a garden in your backyard or a container on your deck – whatever works for your situation. You can grow whatever appeals to you, from herbs to tomatoes. There is nothing better than going out and picking what you want to eat when you are ready to eat it.
You are probably thinking, “What does this have to do with saving money?” Lots! The more you grow the less money you spend at the grocery store.
Lettuce is a very easy vegetable to grow. Put seeds in the soil and within two weeks you have lettuce for your salads. No more buying lettuce at the grocery store, or wanting a salad only to find out that the lettuce in your fridge is bad. You pick the lettuce leaves as you need them.
Think about what you would like to grow today.
The next stop is 5. Deb Brown at Touch Your Client’s Heart on Natalie Bradley’s Blog Hop! Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you again next month!
Blog Hop participants lineup:
- Natalie Bradley at Natalie Bradley Consulting
- Rochelle Togo-Figa at RTF Coaching
- M. Shannon Hernandez at The Writing Whisperer
- Jill Russo Foster at JillRussoFoster.com <<– you are here!
- Deb Brown at Touch Your Client’s Heart
- Vicki Heise at Vicki Heise ~ Live Your Healthy Life
- Kim McDaniels at iBiz Design Duchess
- Robin Hardy at Integrity Virtual Services
- Heidi Kleine at Worth it Woman
- Ronda Neufeld at Ronda Neufeld Relationship & Life Coach