Do you feel like you’re stuck? Are your goals the same this year as the year before (and the year before that?) Here we are near the end of another year. Did you achieve your goal? If not, read on.
Earlier this year, I did a talk about the things people believe about money. The attendees were given a list of money scenarios, and I asked them to check off the scenarios they believed were true about them. Nearly everyone in the room checked off beliefs of scarcity – robbing Peter to pay Paul, not having enough to pay monthly bills, etc. I suggested that it was their beliefs holding them back – and not their situation
Let’s go back and talk about beliefs. Beliefs are not facts. They are often things that you learned when you were younger and you now believe them to be true (whether they are or not). One belief that I struggle with is that I am not worthy of success. I have done a lot of reading, and a lot of work on myself, to overcome this belief. I have to admit that I am not fully there, and there are times that I catch myself reverting back to my old thoughts. Overcoming false beliefs can be a never ending process.
I’ve learned that I have to retrain my subconscious mind to accept a new belief or affirmation. An affirmation is a positive belief that reframes your thoughts. Taking my example, I replace the words “I am not worthy” with “I am deserving of happiness, success and love just the way I am.” I repeat this affirmation to myself several times a day until I believe it to be true.
You can reframe any belief into a positive affirmation. Remember that old philosophical question: is the glass half empty or half full? Train your subconscious mind to think positively and you will be amazed at what life brings you when you are open to receive it.
How to set your goals for 2012:
- Reframe each goal into an affirmation, i.e. “I deserve to be free of debt.”
- Write down the reasons you want each goal. Reasons can help you to see the bigger picture. For example, if your goal is to be free of debt, you could write “I want to be stress free. I want to focus on saving for retirement. I want a more flexible monthly budget.”
Now that you’ve set your goals for 2012, try this for your 2012 resolution.
- Think positive.
- Be aware of when a negative belief comes up and replace it with your affirmation.
- Make a list of the things that you are grateful for each and every day to keep you in that half full glass mode.
When you give yourself a positive outlook, you clear the path to achieving your goals in all areas of your life.