2019 has been a year of cleaning out for us. We have eliminated lots of items from our home by recycling / tossing, selling, donating and more. Each and every month we have gotten rid of items – everything from paperwork (which was scanned and originals shredded) to unused exercise equipment to streamlining our clothing.
Here are some of the specifics we did:
- Donated formal attire to the local high school formal attire club, work clothes to Dress For Success and more
- Sporting Equipment to the local sports drive
- Books to the Library Book Sale fundraiser
- Cell phones and accessories to Cell Phones for Soldiers
- VHS movies to local senior living facility
- Tools and ladders to Habitat for Humanity Restore
- Old sheets / towels to the animal shelter
- Electronics to the Salvation Army
- Stuffed animals to the local thrift shop
- Office supplies to several non-profits based off their wish lists
- Clothing to the local food / clothing bank
Sometimes this seemed like a never ending project, but there has been much progress. For more information and ideas on what to do with your stuff, please visit my Resources page.
Here’s to a more organized 2020!