Yesterday, I told you what we did about the paper clutter. Today, let’s talk about the other clutter that was in our home.
To be honest, we have simplified and reduce a lot, but we still have more to go. We inherited many items from our families and I found that the sentimental items were the hardest to get rid of. For me this was the hardest. But I have come up with a solution that works for me and maybe you too.
We purchased our families home. And along with that came these items. What was I do with them? At first it was easily to toss many items. But then, I was left with the hard stuff. Those sentimental items that I didn’t want to keep but didn’t want to toss either. That was my dilemma.
This is what I have done to simplify the items in our house
- My dad was a great athlete and had so much memorabilia. First, I decided that I wanted to remember all of this, so I took photos of all the items I wanted to remember. I have the memory and the photo now, so I was ready to get rid of the items. But what could I do with these items, it didn’t seem right to toss them. For his school memorabilia, I contact the schools and donated the items – yearbooks, sports uniforms, programs, pins, equipment, etc.
- Nostalgic items was another category. I purchased a book called Trash or Treasure and contacted collectors. Here’s a couple of examples – I sold a metal toy to a collector for $500, I sold my mother’s cameras to a company in the mid-west, family china to a company that buys it for people seeking replacement items for their collections.
- Boxes of newspaper clipping, from my fathers sports career. Just finished scanning all of these while at home during the pandemic.
I am down to the last few items and then I will be done. We have eliminated boxes and boxes from our basement and I am happy with where the items are now..
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