Are you overwhelmed with mail? If you are like we use to be, we got a tone of physical mail. It’s taken a while, but we have reduce our paper mail more than 50%.
Step 1 for us was to eliminate unwanted mail. We called each and every catalogue that arrived to ask to be taken off the mailing list. It wasn’t as time consuming as you are thinking. WE created a pile and when we had time we made the calls – thinking wait for an oil change, waiting at a doctor’s office, etc.
Step 2 for us was to call the ones we wanted to ask that they not share our name. You are probably thinking that the privacy act does this and it does to some extent, not as much as I wanted. They are share you information with affiliates.
Step 3, in addition, we have signed up for these organization that reduce your mail:
Less mail simplifies our lives in many ways – less paper to shred / recycle, no more piles of mail to go through and not more temptation to buy what we don’t need.
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