Is one of your goals to take control of your finances this year? Do you want to get control and understand what you have and what you need? Do you just want to get your finances organized once and for all? Do you feel there are no more ways to cut your expenses? Is your goal to save more money for retirement or other goal? Whatever you want, January is always a good time to start.
If you want to take a quick look and here’s a few tips from Real Simple Magazine – 22 Smart Ideas to Take Control of Your Money.
For a more in depth look, my book Thrive In Five: Take Control of Your Finances In Five Minutes A Day is a great way to start your finances off with a quick suggestion for each day of the year. Each chapter is dedicated to one aspect of your finances. And it even includes catch up days to when there isn’t enough time to squeeze on more thing into your day. For more information or to purchase your copy, click here.
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