“If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.” If you want to make changes with your life and finances, then you need to do something different.
When I imagine my perfect life, it’s like a sunny day at the beach – calm and bright with a peaceful, beautiful feeling. This year, I’ve decided to do some things differently, in the hopes of making my real life closer to my ideal life.
My Morning Meditations: I have trouble quieting my mind. When I finish one task, the next item on my to-do list pops into my head. Since January, I have started my day with a guided morning meditation. Maybe someday I’ll be able to meditate on my own, but for now it works best to listen to someone guiding me to a state of relaxation.
Results: This is really new to me. So far, I’ve seen changes in the amount of stress in my life. I am much calmer and more easily cope with my long appointment driven days. I have noticed subtle changes in my body. I now have trouble keeping my purse on my shoulder. Less stress has lowered my shoulders.
My Intention Journal: I’ve kept a gratitude journal for years, ever since reading Simple Abundance. It was difficult to think of even 5 things to be grateful for at first, but now I have to stop myself after one page. This year, I added an intention journal to my routine. In the morning, I set an intention for what I want to happen that day, and then I journal about the results before bedtime. My intention can be anything from “I easily completed this project” to “I achieved this outcome for this meeting.” I word it as an affirmation as if it already has happened.
Results: Setting my intention in the morning gives my day focus. Writing down the intention helps to keep it foremost in my mind. This compliments my gratitude journal. I recommend it to everyone. It’s worked great for me.
Going Paperless in the Kitchen: I am continuing to get rid of more paper. This year I am organizing all of my recipes in a folder on my hard drive. This includes all the old family recipes that I had on scraps of paper or recipe cards and the new ones from magazines or friends that I want to try.
Results: No more recipe cards, or notebooks with torn out recipes in my kitchen. That’s been really nice. Have you ever wanted a specific recipe, but couldn’t remember if it was in a book, card box, or ripped-out magazine page? It’s not fun.
Minimizing My Possessions: Over the last few years, I’ve been streamlining and simplifying my life. I used to keep too many things, “just in case”. But, going through things can lead to new piles because I want to give them away to just the right person. This year, I am giving myself a one-week time limit on the stuff. If I think that someone, or an organization, can use the item, I have one week to contact them, and get it to them (if they need it or want it). Otherwise, it’s at the curb.
Results: As I clear things out of my home, I’m making way for new energy (not things). I have several new projects on the horizon and have given three talks to new organizations just in the month of February alone.
I can’t wait to see what’s next. What are you willing to change in your life to get different results?
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