Let’s talk about where your credit is today. Those of you on my newsletter list should have recently pulled your January credit report. What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you want better credit? Do you want to be able to get financing when you need it at a reasonable interest rate? You can do this and it is possible. If your credit isn’t where you want it to be, you can change it. There’s no magic want and it can’t be done overnight (and you can pay someone to improve your score), but you can see improvements in a relatively short amount of time.
Here are some credit score tips:
- Always pay at your bills on time. If you don’t have the money to pay your bill when it’s due, make at least the minimum payment required, so as not to be late. If it’s the timing that is an issue, change the due date. Many companies will do this very easily.
- Pay down your debt. Reduce the total amount your owe on credit. Make a plan to pay it down and stick to it.
- Watch your spending. If you can’t afford something, determine is it a need or a want. Needs are must have such as food, clothing, shelter. Wants are your desires, you can live without but would be really nice to have, but maybe you need to set a goal to get that want in the future.
All this over time will improve your credit and thereore credit score. The thing to remember is the newer credit counts more than item from the past. So there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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