A debit card is a convenient way to make a purchase using your own money. When you use your debit card, you are authorizing the merchant to access the funds in your bank account. This is true even if you sign off on the purchase as though you were using a credit card (instead of using a pin number.) Always track your debit card purchases in a check ledger to avoid overdraft fees. A debit card has limited fraud protection, so know where your card is at all times and check your receipts against your bank statements.
A credit card (as the name implies) is a convenient way to make purchases using a credit company’s money. Every time you make a purchase with a credit card, you’re taking a loan that you will have to pay back – usually with interest. Credit cards are helpful for building credit and for the consumer fraud protection. But, they can be dangerous to your financial health if you use them to purchase items outside of your budget.
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