Do you ever get that feeling you are missing some money?
There is lots of unclaimed money in every state. The unclaimed money list is a big list of names (individuals, companies, non-profits and more), that each state maintains from institutions that turn over money to them. You may be asking why would an institution turn over your money to the state? Good question, these are funds from accounts that haven’t had any activity in several years. Here are a few examples:
- An in active savings account – did you forget you had an account from when you were a child?
- Proceeds from a check not cashed – did you lose a check a while back?
- Unclaimed insurance polices proceeds – did your parents buy life insurance when you were born that was forgotten about?
This past weekend, I did a search for myself and members of my family. I didn’t find any results this time, but I have in previous attempts. In the past, I found a few share of stock that I inherited from my mother’s estate and the proceeds of an old life insurance policy my father that my father must have forgotten.
When was the last time you checked? Don’t forget to check in every state you have lived in. Search by your name(s) and for family members. Remember that there is no fee to claim unclaimed money. If you are asked to pay a fee – don’t. You can do this yourself easily and there is no fee to collect unclaimed money.
Here’s an old article I wrong on this for more information click here.
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