In my last post, I suggested that you consider freezing your credit. Another option would be credit monitoring. I personally am not a fan of paying for a service that you can do yourself for free. This is how you do this yourself.
You can review your credit three times per year for FREE! The Credit Card Act of 2010 lets you have a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies once every 365 days. I suggest that instead of you accessing your credit report once a year, that you access your credit report three separate times in a year and do this yourself.
We make that easy for you. If you subscribe to this newsletter, Money Choices ( you will receive a reminder email three times per year to access your credit report. This will not be posted on social media, you will have to subscribe to Money Choices to get this reminder. Do this today, as your next reminder is coming in a few weeks. You can then see what is happening on your credit report and catch any suspicious activity. Sign up today!
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