You know that your credit is an important part of your financial life. You know that the higher your score the better the terms are when you apply for credit – lower interest rate, lower monthly payments and more. You may have wanted to improve your credit score, but it’s too confusing and you don’t know where to start.
Let me tell you that this is a journey and there is no instant magic pill. It takes hard work and dedication on your part. Where do you start? The first step is to know your credit score. You can get a close approximation of your FICO score. Yes, it’s time to face the reality and look at it. You need to know where you stand. To see your credit score, go to my resource page and see how to access your credit score for free.
The next step is to make a plan. These are the small steps you take each week to do just one thing to improve your credit score. They can range from not using a credit card to make a purchase, make sure to pay that bill on time, bringing in more money to be able to make that payment and more.
I know this is hard. Years ago I had way too much credit card debt and I couldn’t image that I would every be debt free. But there came a day when I came to the realization that I needed to deal with it. I made a plan and stuck to it and was out of debt. As a result, my credit score increased to be excellent. I know that you too can do this.
Here are some more information to help you understand what it’s costing you.
We’ll talk more about this tomorrow.
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